Engine Rebuilding Cost Price Estimates.
Engine Rebuilding cost vary from engine type, make, model, year, gas or diesel, and parts availability. It’s tough to list every models engine price, estimate, cost, and quote, so we listed our popular ones. Use the CONTACT form if your model is not listed or Call 818 767-6603.
Our Top Engine Rebuild Estimate Price Cost on
AMC, Chevy, Datsun, Dodge, Ford, GM, Jeep, Nissan, and Toyota’s.
We rebuild older Vintage engines to newer models.
Engine Rebuild Process
This is only an estimate, a full inspection of the engine must be done to assess the current condition of the engine.
Any missing, damaged, or broken parts is an extra cost.
Walk-in Base Prices (removed from car, extra parts removed) plus Sales tax (California) with a good rebuildable core exchanged.
(Drop off Without timing cover, oil pan, valve covers, exhaust manifold, and intake manifold)
Stock Rebuild (block and head(s) only) consists of: New Pistons, Rings, Engine Bearings (cam/rod/mains), Full gasket set, Freeze plugs, Oil pump, and Timing kit. Parts vary depending on the make, model, and year. Your car may have less or more parts.
Machine Service: Bore & Hone engine block, Recondition/Grind cam, Recondition/Grind crankshaft, Recondition Connecting Rods, Rebuild heads (Valve Job- Pressure test, Magnaflux, Resurface, 3-Angle cut valve seats, New Exhaust guide inserts, New Valve Stem Seals), clean, paint and assemble.
Parts may vary depending on make, model, year and parts availability.
Any broken, damaged or missing parts are an extra cost (valves, seats, guides, springs, rods, crack repair, etc).
AFM, DoD, MDS, Start-Stop, VCM, and VVT is an Extra Cost, (if applicable, if needed).
All to O.E.M. specifications.
All work is warrantied for 6 months/6k miles for non-commercial use (Long Block).
Commercial warranty is 6 months.
No Warranty on Performance engines, parts, or cylinder heads.
No Warranty on Track, Racing, or Competition use.
No Warranty on Marine engines.
50% deposit required to start machine services.
Price does Not include, removal, installation, sales tax or shipping.
Core charges apply if your core is not rebuildable.
Tear-down fee applies if work is not repaired/completed.
We do Not remove or install engines or cylinder heads.
If you change your mind, decide not to continue, or cancel your Engine Rebuild Order Purchase for any reason, once the order has been placed and paid for, and do not want us to complete your build, you will incur a 25% shop fee for time, labor, resources, and materials.