Honda cylinder head valve jobs.
Honda’s are known for being long-lasting and staying on the road. Like anything, if you maintain your engine and its components you will be rewarded. Everything needs a spit shine once in a while and cylinder heads are no exception.
These Honda cylinder heads receive the Basic Valve Job: Teardown, Inspections, Hot tank and clean, Magnuflux for cracks, Valve grinding, Cut valve seats, Resurface head, install new valve stem seals. Any broken or missing parts will be replaced.
If needed, install new seats, guides, replacement valves, springs or other needed parts.
Pressure test, vacuum testing, crack repair welding and more available at our full service machine shop.
Need Honda engine parts, engine rebuilding or cylinder head repairs?
Call us 818 767-6603
Honda Engine Rebuild Kits here: Honda Engine Rebuild Kits
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